If your money is in a US retirement account eg 401k, 403b, 401a, IRA, ROTH (uncertain about 457) the wrapper and the treaty protects your investments from HMRC taxation until you make withdrawals when you have to pay income tax on all of them apart from the ROTH. So you can have HMRC non-reporting funds in them with no nasty UK tax consequences. The only have to avoid UK non-reporting funds issues in regular investment accounts.
If you are converting Vanguard mutual fund shares to the equivalent ETF shares it doesn't matter when you do it....you aren't actually selling anything so there are no tax consequences. A good thing too as you want to avoid wash sale issues. Of course you still have unrealized capital gains and when you move to the UK they might well become subject to UK tax.....hello 1116.....but the current UK CGT allowance is around $16k which gives you some head room. If you want to crystalize you capital gains while still in the US you'd have to sell the mutual funds and then buy the ETFs being careful to avoid a wash sale.
If you sell
if I sell. Not planning on touching my TSP Govt money for at least a few years.....and maybe if I'm lucky I can slip a couple of ROTH conversions in before that time.....wouldn't bet my luck holds that well though. I'm still 2 years away from 59.5. So over the next few years I only plan to spend Vanguard money (None of it is IRA etc). At this time I have around $110K in Total stock, $75K in Dividend Growth and $65K in the ROTH/Moderate Growth. IFFFFFFFFF things will just go our way the plan was to .....
1. Sell the house in 2 months and clear at least $200K after fees. We will lose about $40K on the house after fixing it. But.....we'll have approx 131K Pounds
2. The cash we have sitting in cash for VISA etc. Should be at least $120K when we go. 79k Pounds.
3. 40K Pounds already sitting in my wife's account.
Total should be around 250K without selling any Vanguard. Ifffff we rent for 6 months to a year before buying I have time to sell Vanguard later.....but I would rather do it in the next month or two. Selling off $100K more will allow us to buy a house at any time without having to worry about conversion rates etc. Our limit is probably 235K Pounds max on the house, preferably a little lower....or even a lot lower if there is something we can fix up in a decent area that has lots of good walking.....hence, South South-West of Huddersfield. Wife wants to stay within driving distance to Harrogate....where it's too expensive to buy.
I won't have to worry about a wash sale.....the market would really have to get hammered before I would lose on what I put in to Vanguard. My hope right now was to get rid of the Total Stock. Then either flip the Dividend Growth money over to the ETF version if it.....or Total Stock ETF (if I can do that...guess I would have to sell Div Growth fund and buy Total ETF which might be an issue).
With our luck.....the Dollar will start falling apart over the next couple of months.......