I think my favourite British dish has to be sticky toffee pudding. I'd honestly never had anything like it before I came here, and I love it.
There are lots and lots of other 'British' foods that I enjoy, but they don't really count because, well...:
- Bubble & Squeak: Love it. Could eat it every day. Used to get it at least once a fortnight at this great little pub...in Kalamazoo, MI. I've never actually seen it on a menu here. Maybe it's more of an English thing?
- Pasties: Love 'em. Am fully aware that they're Cornish. But they're also a Wisconsin/UP delicacy. Have never had one in the UK (don't often see them in Scotland, and I'm wary of suet/lard in pastry, anyway).
- Fish & Chips: Right...you mean a Fish Fry? Yeah. Every Friday night (and Wednesdays, during Lent), at every restaurant & tavern in Wisconsin. The chips are usually better here (though not from our local one, which is godawful), but honestly, the fish batter is usually tastier in WI (because beer).
- Cheese: The UK does have some really excellent cheeses. But see above re: Wisconsin. I will, literally, fight anyone who says ours isn't as good-- biting, gouging, hair-pulling, the whole deal. Plus, while we do know the pleasures of an extra, extra mature Cheddar, we also know the pure bliss of eating it right out of the vat (i.e. cheese curds).
I guess maybe it's just where I'm from, and my very British family background (my grandma can boil a dinner with the best of them!), but most 'British food' just wasn't any kind of surprise or revelation. I'd had most of it before, and in the rare case that there's any difference at all, I usually prefer the US version (i.e. trifle w/ angel food cake, fruit & pudding-- and no jello!).
That said, there are all kinds of things here I just can't/won't eat. I mean, I used to think I was very easy to feed; maybe not all that adventurous, but certainly not fussy. Now, I feel like the fussiest eater in the world, because there are all kinds of things that it never occurred to me would be standard issue: buttered sandwiches, 'sausages' full of bread, half-raw bacon, suet & lard pastry. It's made breakfast/lunch very difficult. I have to pack my own anytime I go to a meeting/conference/etc.
I've also learned (the hard way) to avoid anything 'American' or 'Tex-Mex,' because it's just going to be horribly wrong. (Why is the salsa sweet!!???)