States have differing rules/laws as I initially said. In Virginia, you are required by law to report ANY change of address within 30 days. If you are using a VA license with a non-valid address, VA considers that 'driving without a license' which is a misdemeanor.
If you report a change of address, and said new address is not in Virginia, then you are no longer eligible to hold a VA license under state law. Again, other states can and do have different views on this. Some of these laws came into effect after 9/11, and rightly so. Some have been on the books a long time - even before the modern computer age - because some folk who had a bad driving record in State A, used an address in State B to get another license. The bottom line is, IMHO, we have a legal and moral obligation to make sure we conform to state law.
As for cutting ties, individual comfort levels will vary. I am an OAP, and doubt I will lever return to the US. If I did, I still have a Social Security number, and actually have a bank account and some IRAs. Moving back would pose not more problems for me than moving across the country. Again, your comfort level may vary.
I am not from Virginia, and only lived/worked there for 11 years. No way did I want to be tied to the Commonwealth for the rest of my natural life. The UK is my home, not the US and certainly not VA.