Congratulations on getting your visa
Yes, if your visa is valid for 33 months, you will not get a BRP and will not receive one until you apply for FLR(M) in 2.5 years' time.
If you were supposed to get a BRP, your visa would only be valid for 30 days and you would have received a letter from UVKI with your passport stating that you have to pick up your BRP from a UK post office within 10 days of arriving (and it would list the address of the post office).
There should be no reason why you would need a BRP for the NHS because the fact that you have the visa in the first place means that you are entitled to use the NHS - they won't issue the visa unless you have paid the levy.
As far as I know, you just show your visa when you register and they will probably check that you have paid the levy. I re-registered at a local GP recently and they had an extra page of questions on the registration forms about immigration status and the NHS levy.
Honestly, I'd be glad you don't have a BRP yet as they can make things more difficult for you - you have to carry both the BRP and your passport whenever you travel abroad (if you forget your BRP, you can't get back into the UK and will have to apply for an emergency one in the US valid for only one entry and then get a replacement BRP once you're back in the UK) and you have to inform UKVI of any changes to your name/address/any other details so they can change them on the card etc.
Hi There,
My understanding is that if you're outside the UK you have to collect a BRP from a UK Post Office upon arrival. They only mail you the BRP if you're applying from within the UK.
Here's a quote from the Home Office website:
"Your BRP will be sent to you by post if you’re making your immigration or visa application from inside the UK. If you apply from outside the UK you’ll have to collect it from a Post Office in the UK."
Here's a link to further info:
Hope this helps! I'm navigating the whole thing myself.
While this is all correct, it doesn't actually apply to
sdt99 because they applied for their visa before the new BRP scheme was introduced and they have a regular, 33-month visa which doesn't require a BRP.