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Topic: My entire family has pretty much written me off an I haven't even left yet!  (Read 2240 times)

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I don't even know where to start on this and probably shouldn't start it at all, but I am just so hurt and I wonder if others went through this or if my family are just a**holes.  I told my parents over a year ago we were planning to move to Scotland.  They were a little shocked a little upset but I really think they thought I wouldn't do it.  I have no idea why because I am a person who ALWAYS follows through.  They are not. None of them.  4 Siblings, 2 Parents, couldn't count on them for a single thing.

 Anyway, I told my siblings last November.  That was a year notice.  I rarely ever see any of them. They have contacted me to do things for THEM because they are afraid I am going to move and they won't be able to get their jewelry fixed or god forbid would have to pay someone to do it. (I'm a jewelry artist) I invited my parents over to my house last week to see it before we sell it as we finally got everything done and it looks so nice and pretty.

Well, they said they would love to come. Planned for last Monday 10 minutes before my work day ended my mother called.  It was storming, the weather was bad they would have to cancel.  "we'll do it next week, when it's pretty out" Haven't heard a word. 

When I post updates on Facebook about progress NO ONE of them ever says a word on them.  Ever. 

I am hurt and angry and I just don't get it.  When anything is said it's how they can't believe I am leaving them but none of them ever want to see me or spend time with me. WTF?

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How awful! I'm so sorry your family is reacting this way.  It's one thing to have some family members who are unhappy about a move that is so far away, but another thing altogether to be so passive aggressive and downright selfish about it.  :(

I hope you have someone - more extended family or friend - who can actually be excited for you.   :-\\\\

Here 2 years as of Oct. 1, 2016.

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Yes, family can be the biggest jerks because we care about them so much. Maybe they don't understand that you are feeling this way because they have never had you move so far away?? Or maybe they feel that this is you pushing them away?? Or maybe they are in denial? I am not saying it is actually any of these things, but it sounds like a classic case of miscommunication to me. They aren't understanding your needs so let them know!
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Awww, big hugs.  I'm very sorry they are distancing themselves.  You need to talk to them (at least your parents).  They don't have to be excited for you, but you do need to talk about how you will maintain a relationship after you've left.  My parents and I have a set Facetime call every Sunday evening.  We chat for a good hour and they watch my daughter run around the lounge like a loon.  She definitely knows who they are even though she's only met them in person 4 times (she knows them a lot better than my inlaws who live less than 10 miles away, but that's another story).  While I know we are very lucky that we can afford it financially, we go over there every year and they come here every year.  We have committed to that and stuck to that.  The distance can seem REALLY far away at times...

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My family's facetime night is Sunday too!!! Religiously, we have spoken every Sunday since September 2004... I do get worried if they ring at another time! And yes, I am not very close with my family any more... sadly... but that was always going to be part of the deal with moving 8 time zones away - and that was my choice, not theirs.
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My family's facetime night is Sunday too!!! Religiously, we have spoken every Sunday since September 2004... I do get worried if they ring at another time! And yes, I am not very close with my family any more... sadly... but that was always going to be part of the deal with moving 8 time zones away - and that was my choice, not theirs.

My mom called on Friday and I answered with, "What's wrong?!?"  My aunt and uncle were in town and my parents were off work, so they were just calling to see my daughter.  Made my heart stop!   :P

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Thanks all, the thing is, I didn't go into all the details but here's a collective response to some of your comments.  I bought my parents a new computer for Christmas and put Skype on it and showed them how to use it.  They thought the gift was too extravagant but when they found out what it was for were very pleased.  There is a bit of denial going on, that's fair enough. But when I spoke to my mother on the Sunday before they were to come over I told her flat out, I didn't understand how everyone was acting.  I said "I get a lot of, 'I cant' believe you are moving so far away from us' but not one single one of you have called me to ask me to get together or spend time together WHILE I'M HERE."  It certainly makes me feel like they just don't give a duck.   My mother knew I was very hurt when she cancelled on me, she could hear it in my voice and she actually said "you didn't go to a lot of trouble did you?"  Knowing full well I made food and everything.

On all the holidays that have passed since I told them I was doing this, one or another of my siblings will mention this being our last whatever..etc.  On Mother's Day my oldest sister just about threw a tantrum. Someone asked if I was selling everything (to which they replied they would wait til I was giving stuff away  ::)) And I said yes, I have to pretty much leave everything and my oldest sister puffed up like a two year old and said "yeah everything you love except your husband and your dogs, like your FAMILY"  I had already said it before but I said it again, tearfully "this isn't easy for me me you know? It's very, very, very hard to leave my family and everything I've ever known, but this is something I want and have wanted all my life. I'm sorry that it didn't happen when I was younger but the opportunity was not there. It is now and I have to do it, I do not want to be an old bitter lady always saying "what if".   

I have been open and honest and tried my best to be understanding but I am sick and tired of the bullshit at this point.  If you are going to miss me so much then whey the hell don't you come see me NOW? It's just words, they don't care.  They haven't offered to help a lick. Not the yardsale, not offered to give me and the boys somewhere to stay in the three months before I go.  In fact at our yard sale my sister stopped by and wanted a library table.  She actually expected my husband to take it to her place for her.  She said "oh I know Derek will if i ask him" I said "you know, I don't think so, we've been moving this stuff around for three weeks and everything in our house, we're both pretty tired of hauling things around" Her husband has a truck.  She said, well I'll come get it when ya'll feel more like moving it" REALLY?????  It makes me feel like I'm not leaving anything after all except my friends. Who to respond to someone who asked, I have one wonderful friend who has been there for me through all this, is excited and supportive and is giving us a going away party. I have other friends who are supportive, sad but happy for me so thank God for that.   Not getting that from family either.

I hate to sound like a cry baby but damn this really hurts.  A lot.   I don't know what else I can do on my end.  I pretty much just give up.  Thanks for listening, having somewhere to unload is really helpful.

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Sorry to hear that :( I experienced some similar things as you when i left, from some family not all and some friends did the exact same thing, basically my last year in the states treated me as if i didn't exist.

As for why, there's a couple of reasons why I think people act this way. One is, when someone decides to leave, the people left tend to think of it as a rejection. i think it's stems from jealousy. like "are you too good for us" and also mixed with "i kinda want to leave too." Also, maybe they are distancing themselves from you to not get too close. I know I was this way when leaving. I didnt see my friends as much as I could have because the closer I was with them, the harder it would be to leave.

But it also sounds like they are being self-absorbed, like with all the moving stuff. But all in all, I think people project whatever issues and insecurities they have on to you.

I hope though, the move will help you get closer and ease the tension.

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Hi MelfromLou,

I didn't have it quite as bad as you do from your family, but my mom and dad were laying the guilt on thick in the year before I moved. I was living with them at the time, they were amazing to let me live with them while I was working and saving money to live on after I moved over here and couldn't work. I was coming over on a fiance visa.

But My mom would constantly give me sh*t about spending my time with my fiance on Skype every night and for longer periods on the weekend. It was always, "you don't need to spend time with him, you're moving and will spend all your time with him." Making me feel guilty about moving away from my nephews, how I'm going to miss out on a lot of them growing up. It didn't end. Well, it did when I finally blew up at her and was crying saying, "I already know all this, do you not realize how hard this is for me?!" And going into details and talking about things. She stopped after that. Things were good for the last couple of months.

Things are better now, we have a better relationship then when I lived near them. If only they could invent a Star Trek transporter...
The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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If only they could invent a Star Trek transporter...

YES!  I've been saying this for several years now and I really think it's time someone got right on it.   [smiley=smug2.gif]

Wouldn't that throw a monkey wrench into the whole immigration issue?  ;D
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YES!  I've been saying this for several years now and I really think it's time someone got right on it.   [smiley=smug2.gif]

Wouldn't that throw a monkey wrench into the whole immigration issue?  ;D

Right? It would make the world a MUCH smaller place! And I know all of us would love it! 
On a realistic note... I have a feeling it would be really expensive. haha
The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

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Right? It would make the world a MUCH smaller place! And I know all of us would love it! 
On a realistic note... I have a feeling it would be really expensive. haha

Yes, that's probably true....  and for sure the powers that be would do their darndest to control all these rogue transporters.  *sigh* 

I guess my dream of having a personal transporter set up in a handy closet somewhere so I could just pop in whenever and wherever I felt the urge is possibly a tad unrealistic.....  :P

Then I remember that classic transporter scene in Galaxy Quest, and I'm no longer quite so eager to "pop" anywhere.  Ewwwwww!  :-X

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Hi MelfromLou,

I didn't have it quite as bad as you do from your family, but my mom and dad were laying the guilt on thick in the year before I moved. I was living with them at the time, they were amazing to let me live with them while I was working and saving money to live on after I moved over here and couldn't work. I was coming over on a fiance visa.

But My mom would constantly give me shoot about spending my time with my fiance on Skype every night and for longer periods on the weekend. It was always, "you don't need to spend time with him, you're moving and will spend all your time with him." Making me feel guilty about moving away from my nephews, how I'm going to miss out on a lot of them growing up. It didn't end. Well, it did when I finally blew up at her and was crying saying, "I already know all this, do you not realize how hard this is for me?!" And going into details and talking about things. She stopped after that. Things were good for the last couple of months.

Things are better now, we have a better relationship then when I lived near them. If only they could invent a Star Trek transporter...

It's weird because guilt is what our family is built on and while several of my sibs are pouring it on (when they bother with me) my parents haven't done that at all. 

It's funny too about the transporter, when my husband and I were in the midst of our long term/long distance relationship that got mentioned almost daily :)

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Hi MelfromLou, I can sort of relate to what you're going through, too. I lived in Edinburgh for three years, during which time I met my now-husband. When I told my mom back in the U.S. that I'd met someone, she started crying, and they weren't tears of joy. For the next 18 months I was in Edinburgh, she constantly guilt tripped me, in turns screaming down the phone at me or giving me silent treatment. She came to visit and threatened suicide. I eventually gave in and went back to the U.S. when my visa expired and had to live with her and my dad as I had no money. But I told her I was going back to the UK eventually. Rather than be grateful I came back, she said, "oh great, so your time here will just be like a countdown to go back."
Now I'm finally returning to Edinburgh in September (after 2.5 years of long distance) and she's back to talking about "oh, won't you miss me," "can you visit us without your husband," "you must make a solemn vow to move back in 3 years."

So I know what kind of hurt and distress it is causing you. In my life, the bitterest pill to swallow is when the people who are supposed to love you the most actually hurt you the most.

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April 2015: married
May 2015: submitted online application, set biometric appointment, realized we needed more time to gather paperwork which would exceed 30 days, freaked out, canceled applications, waited for refunds
June 25: submitted online application again
July 2: attended biometrics
July 6: package mailed to Sheffield with priority
July 8: package delivered to Sheffield
July 10: received acknowledgment email from Sheffield
July 12: received "decision has been made" email from Sheffield
July 15: passport returned by post with 30-day visa

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These posts are hard to read. So much heartbreak at something which should be so joyous.
I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair. - AOC

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