Yeah, states' rights to govern themselves in certain things. Car regs being one of them. (Florida doesn't have car inspections; that one really grits the teeth of those who have to have annual, some even more often, inspections to renew their tags.)
I joke: Some bright spark eons ago, when cars first emerged on the road as being 'oh gee, maybe we should regulate this thing even though it'll never replace the horse', thought up the catchy name "MVA (Motor Vehicle Administration)", never thinking to check to see what Virginia and Pennsylvania were calling theirs. After a while it became something they couldn't change. Or perhaps they felt everyone else should change. Ah, government logic and red tape.
Suzanne, I think I have some bad news for you.
Here's what the Maryland MVA site has for renewing your license:
"To Renew Your Maryland License, Please Bring:
- Your expiring Driver's License and the $30 fee.
- You must pass a vision test or submit a vision certification form.
- You will be required to disclose your Social Security Number.
- License may be renewed without additional tests up to one year after expiration.
- Driving with an expired license is against the law."
What it *doesn't* say is that
1) after one year being expired, you'll probably have to retake the test, and
2) you can't renew a license in Maryland if you don't permanently *live* in Maryland
I faced the latter problem when I renewed in Florida. My license was about to expire and I hadn't gotten my UK one yet. So I thought I'd whip in to the DMV and pay my money, have my photo taken and be set for the new few years. Everything went smooth as silk until they asked for my address.
You see, what's *supposed* to happen is that when you move, you're to set yourself up as a resident of that new place and you're given a year to do it. Move to the UK? Fine, no probs. Just follow their rules, take their exams, pay the money and you're there. Maryland expects the same. Move away, take up to a year to get settled elsewhere. "Gone from us? Have a great life! See ya!"
You can give someone else's Maryland address and they'd probably be none the wiser. But, it's not right and if you're caught, there could be ramifications. Are you paying Maryland state tax? Have you been filing US income tax? There's a computer network out there and it will have your new details in it. No, no...not trying to get anyone paranoid. It's just a statement of fact. There's a billion-to-one (I made up that number to be dramatic) chance that your nme will be kicked out of a computer as having a Maryland address when you don't actually *live* in maryland. But if it kicks, it could kick really really hard. And it would leave a trail. Use your new license to hire a car and drive...that's one bread crumb.
Suzanne, you can do what you like about renewing your license. But, even if you have a Marlyland address to give, it looks like you will have to take the test (or whatever procedure) all over again.

On a brighter note, your husband will be fine driving. Graham switches back and forth all the time. It's a lot easier than it might sound. The hardest might be coming out of a parking lot into the street if there's no other traffic. That requires a little bit of pre-thought.