I finally frog-marched DH to a solicitor to draw up a will. We are both dual citizens, and were married before, with one child from the former marriage. For various reasons, we both wanted to by-pass the children in favor of grandchildren should we both bite the dust simultaneously.
Even DH admits that the jury is still out whether his grandsons should inherit. I have 3 grand kids, and 2 are total wastrels and never likely to change. So they are specifically out of the inheritance picture, and my granddaughter would inherit. To further complicate things, there may be an inheritance from my father to enter the picture, as he is approaching 90 and obviously could go at any time. To "protect" that potential asset my will stipulates that any monies/property that form any part of my estate that I have received from my father go to my brother. Thankfully, DH agrees with that.
Given our ages, the likelihood of either of us re-marrying is slim, remote and none, but given our (somewhat) complicated family situation, we've just done the best we can for now. DH kept putting it off because he didn't want to make what he considers a 'final decision'. I reminded him that a will can be changed, and the important thing was to protect each other NOW.
Money does often bring out the worst in people. We don't have much, but it's enough to cause problems if no will were in place.
Would love to have a will as simple as one in a joke I once read. When the family gathered to see what they were getting from a very rich relative, they all had dollar signs in their eyes. The lawyer looked at them, and said: "This won't take long, and proceeded to read the will, which was short and sweet. ......"Being of sound mind, I spent it all."