Oh, and by the way, I'm feeling far more 'up' about the whole thing since I started this thread. I am woman, hear me roar! - I will prevail!! - tomorrow is another day!!! etc. etc.
Well, I'm no longer feeling particularly 'up', since I failed my first practical driving test this last Wednesday. I somehow managed to ignore a junction in a residential neighborhood and hadn't slowed down properly. The examiner slammed on the brakes (there weren't any cars around), scared the 'you know what' out of me, and it was an automatic fail for me.
Since then I've been going through several stages of grief - although there are times they all pile on at once:
- Shock. I was absolutely stunned that I had made such a silly and completely avoidable mistake. I was much more nervous than I'd thought I would be, and .... well, to be honest, I'm not entirely sure where my brain was at the time.
. Disappointed - really, really disappointed. I'm going to have to wait until mid December to take the test again since everything is so booked up - and it's at 8:20 in the morning!!!! (I was back to shock on that one) I am not a morning person.... *groan* Add in the extra cost for another test and more lessons to keep up my admittedly spotty driving skills..... *sigh*
- Embarrassed. That one's probably self explanatory.... after acing the theory test, this is a bit lowering. I'm just so much better at written tests, not so much performance anxiety with those...
- Angry. At myself - actually, annoyed is probably more accurate, but me, myself, and I are not happy with each other right now.....
Thanks, I needed a good rant in my own snarky way. Don't get me wrong, in the grand scheme of things this is a pretty small thing. It was a rather expensive practice run, but hopefully I won't be quite so nervous the next time. I'm certain that once I pass this test (and I
will pass this test!!!), the memory of my first attempt will fade away....
.... in a decade or two.