Hi Everyone,
I am a Yankee in Italy. I have read a few other posts regarding the Cool Whip issue, and was wondering if anyone has tried using the gelatin with Dream Whip or homemade whipped, and if so what was the result?
Even in NY, I rarely used Cool Whip. I happen to like real Whipped Cream much more, and finally after a year or trying this and that I have my whipped cream down. I use the Cool Whip to mix with store bought frosting as filler and frosting for kids cakes. It stretches out the frosting and gives it a consistency that regular whipped will not. This is the only recipe I use Cool Whip for ( although I have dipped strawberries a few times ). Lots of info I know, but it seems like everyone wants to know why Cool Whip and not regular Whipped Cream. Thanks in Advance