So I've had the telephone interview for my application for SS pension under the Totalisation Agreement, and today I received the printed, partly-completed application form ready for me to sign and return.
Unfortunately, although I explained that I had recently expatriated, they've put my citizenship as "US" which not only is not correct but also means the application as it stands cannot be approved since it requires sight of a valid US passport.
On top of that, they're apparently changing my name on my Social Security number, and I don't know if that's going to be looked at askance by the IRS, as I've already submitted FBARs using the existing name (my maiden name).
In addition, the printed summary of the telephone interview includes the following:
I am entitled to or I expect to become entitled to a pension or annuity based in whole or in part on work after 1956 not covered by Social Security.
I'm not sure if this means
(a) that I misinterpreted GN 01701.300 and WEP does apply in my case, or
(b) if it's just information that has to be included for all applications and if not applicable does not affect the calculation.
Probably (a).