The criteria for streamlined procedures have been commented on exhaustively by various US legal commentators.
I'd be interested in reading the comments if you have any (non-subscription) links you want to share.
Using quiet disclosure today is generally perceived as higher risk than offshore streamlined;
The Streamlined Procedures risk that I was most concerned about was having to swear under penalty of perjury that I fit the criteria. Not that I think the IRS would be likely to waste its time and money pursuing small fry like me for perjury but I prefer to keep on the right side of the law.
The risks of quiet disclosure are obviously not to be sneezed at, for a taxpayer who's trying to get uptodate and hoping the IRS just won't notice the late filing, but it seems to me that for an expatriating individual those risks don't apply. Presumably the reason the IRS actually
want an expatriating individual to use quiet disclosure is because there's nothing quiet about it: everything's almost certainly going to be carefully scrutinized once 8833 is filed.
Only speaking from my own perspective of course.