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Topic: I'm fed up.....  (Read 1403 times)

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I'm fed up.....
« on: December 04, 2015, 10:25:17 PM »
...with everything I don't like. I've just spent the last week hacking, couching, dizzy, tired, and generally zapped to hell. Whatever this crap is that is going around is not pleasant. I haven't been sick in years.......I don't like being ill.....I start whining too much.

And as long as I am at it......please stop the rain. I don't mind the rain....I grew up in the rain, but this is getting a bit ridiculous.....our back yard is unusable/mud/quicksand and I am having to walk the dogs up the road just to take a quick pee (not me....I use the toilet in the house). Another day or so and maybe I can get out for some golf.....but the damn golf course has been closed most days from too much water......oh, the horrors!!  ;D ;D ;D

Luckily....I have consumed 2 bars of Cadbury Whole Nut today so I am slightly mollified.

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Re: I'm fed up.....
« Reply #1 on: December 04, 2015, 10:45:05 PM »
...with everything I don't like. I've just spent the last week hacking, couching, dizzy, tired, and generally zapped to hell. Whatever this crap is that is going around is not pleasant. I haven't been sick in years.......I don't like being ill.....I start whining too much.

Sorry you're feeling so bad at the moment :(.

I had something similar the other week - not entirely sure what it was, other than some kind of virus, but it was absolutely horrible.

I wasn't 'sick' as such, but I was nauseous and so dizzy and lightheaded that I fell over every time I tried to stand up. I was off work for a week with it, which is the longest I've had to take off since 2009... I didn't leave the house for 4 days :(!

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Re: I'm fed up.....
« Reply #2 on: December 05, 2015, 07:30:25 AM »
My step-daughter is a nurse at Jimmy's in Leeds and said whatever it is has been going around....I'm tempted to try and golf today (after a week of this.....and IF the course is open), but we were pulling up some flooring yesterday to get ready for some new laminate and just doing that got me sweating and hacking again....and I wasn't working very hard. Kind of a cold/semi-flu is what I would call it. Oh well......as I type this Saturday morning my head finally feels about 70% better so it must be near the end.

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Re: I'm fed up.....
« Reply #3 on: December 05, 2015, 09:41:56 AM »
I got walloped with some sort of gastro thing.  Two weeks of intense fatigue and nausea, followed by a week of not being able to keep any food in (so bad I had to have the bf come home one day because I was afraid of passing out at home alone), followed by a week of slowly getting back to normal.  Until this morning :(

I've lost a bunch of weight (yay!) but its been uncomfortable and exhausting. 

Re: I'm fed up.....
« Reply #4 on: December 05, 2015, 01:41:53 PM »
 Before I travel to UK, is it recommended to get a flu vaccine here in the states to avoid that.   I prefer not to get a vaccine, but have found little resource.  I don't want to compromise my immune system further than it is

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Re: I'm fed up.....
« Reply #5 on: December 05, 2015, 02:06:02 PM »
Before I travel to UK, is it recommended to get a flu vaccine here in the states to avoid that.   I prefer not to get a vaccine, but have found little resource.  I don't want to compromise my immune system further than it is

I guess it's really up to you - you can get flu shots pretty cheap in the UK as well, either at a GP or a local pharmacy (pharmacies charge between about £7 and £13 for a shot, though certain people can get them free on the NHS), though I think they stop doing them at the end of December.

As far as I know the horrible virus I had, which has been going around lately, isn't actually flu anyway... so not sure if a shot would protect against that.

I don't get flu shots myself and I can't even remember the last time I had flu - must have been about 10 years ago :P.

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