I think it's all relative. I mean, yeah, if I added up all of the phone bills, plane tickets, wedding costs, visa costs, hotel bills, etc., I'd say I was insane for spending so much on a relationship. BUT, I chose to build the relationship and the costs are a part of that. So, in choosing the relationship, I chose to pay for it.
But really, when you think about it, there are ways to lessen the financial burden of an international relationship. As someone already mentioned, you can stay with friends or family (or, hello, the person you're going to see!) rather than a hotel when visiting. You can restrict your visits to the "off season" so you can get cheaper airfares. You can have a simple civil ceremony to cut down on wedding costs. You can sign up for a phone plan (I was with Sprint at 7 cents a minute and Cognidial at 4 cents a minute before 10-10-987) to save as much money as possible on your calls. You can communicate solely via computer, saving on phone and postage costs. The visa cost? Well, I consider that a small price to pay in order to live with my husband without having to wait the better part of a year for permission to do so (hello, US immigration process!).
Basically, there's a cheaper way to do this, if you really want to. It certainly doesn't make things any easier or faster though!
But really, as horrible as it sounds, if you can't afford/don't want to pay for an international relationship, don't get involved in one. It doesn't make sense to me when people complain about the cost when the cost is a direct result of the choices they've made (that's not directed at you Shala...just talking about people in general).