Hi, all-
I am trying to figure out all we need to do before leaving the US to re-locate permanently to the UK, and I keep stumbling across new things everyday. The latest: the Departing Alien Clearance (Sailing Permit). My question is whether we need to fill this out at all, and whether we need to do it before we go.
I am a dual citizen, my husband is a UK citizen here on a green card. We have filed US income taxes jointly every year and will be doing so soon for 2015. We will both be working until March, though, so understand we will also need to file jointly for 2016. We know we need to inform the UCIS about our change in address, and thought we'd need to inform the IRS too, but do we need to do that with this Sailing Permit form? It looks complicated, asks questions I don't have answers for yet (like UK address...we're still living in the US and won't know our new flat address until we get there and find one.), and seems unduly harsh to make us do while we're still in the midst of figuring out our 2015 income taxes. So...much...paper...work...
Thanks, friends, for any help you can provide!