I lived in England for nine years and I celebrated the Forth of July every one of those years. In the first two years, I worked for a UK subsidiary of a US company. They sent hot dogs, hamburgers, buns, coleslaw, potato salad, Lays potato chips, cases of Coca-Cola and Sprite, cases of Budweiser, two large BBQ grills, small American flags with Stars and Stripes table cloths, plates and cups and a check for fixings (lettuce, tomatoes, onions) over in their shipment from the US. Since I was the only American, I was in charge of decorating the lunch room. It was better than Christmas! What cracked me up was that the President of the UK branch used to open the cases of Budweiser first and share them around first thing in the morning. By lunchtime, I was pretty tipsy. Bad, I know. I got to keep all the leftover US themed stuff. When I left the company (it was incidentally the last time I worked outside the home in 1998), they gifted me a BBQ grill we got from the company since they got new ones every year. It was nice and helped me keep up the tradition.
I moved to Bolton in 1999 to be closer to my husband's family and I had a house with a large backyard so I had a house party every year and invited the neighbor's. I made hamburgers, ribs, sausages (since I could never find hot dogs), chicken wings and it was always a good time. My neighbor's would always save sparklers from November or the New Year to use on July 4th but they were kind of duds by then.
I also always made Thanksgiving meal in those years too. Plus, I am 1/2 Mexican so I would invite family and neighbors over on my kid's birthdays and we would break a piƱata and make fajitas. That was hard for them to understand then but they played along.
What is crazy to me is that I've been back in the US for 12 years and I celebrate nothing! I'm lucky to watch fireworks on July 4th from my window, never mind make a huge party. I don't make turkey on Thanksgiving or done anything festive. My family is moving back to the UK in a few years. Maybe I'll start it up there again.