Hey that works.. I also got some at Rowse Organic at Sainsbury's and I will let you know... it say 100% Maple...
and it's Number 1-medium which I don't know if it's the same as the Grade A.
Okay it seems to be really confusing...
I also found another site that says that in Canada the higher the number the darker the syrup.
"The grading system is a bit on the subjective side, as well. According to the USDA, there are three different types of Grade A maple syrup: Light Amber, Medium Amber, and Dark Amber. They are all of equal quality, but the darker the syrup, the stronger the maple flavor. In Vermont, Light Amber syrup is called "Fancy," but the others (Medium Amber and Dark Amber) go by the same names. In Canada, these: same three grades are labeled Number One Extra Light, Number One Light Grade A, and Number One Medium Grade A, respectively: In addition to these grades, there is also Grade B syrup, which is used mostly as an ingredient in commercial syrup, and Grade C, which is considered substandard and not fit for consumption. Our advice is to rely on your Taste buds."
Also see...
http://www.inspection.gc.ca/english/fssa/labeti/guide/ch13e.shtmlFor more than you every wanted to know about Canadian Controls of Maple syrup grades..