Awesome! Thanks for the inspiration! I am not very good when it comes to making websites so if you have any suggestions please send them my way. I am doing a blog for someone else right now on WordPress and they want their own domain now. Turns out WordPress make that very difficult haha So I am at a loss what to do for my own website! I've always been decent t creating content but when it comes to what platform to use and design, I'm useless!
To be honest, you probably want to use a blog platform like blogger or wordpress to start out, unless you know someone who will create your custom website for free. At least having a customisable layout gives you some freedom, do you know someone who can help you create your personal header artwork for it?
It's really going to depend on what sort of content you plan to post and how much control you want over how that content will look when you publish it.
Tumblr is really easy to use, has a lot of different post options and has scores of layouts to choose from, and you can easily add in your own web url easily. I know a lot of artists use tumblr for their pages to keep in contact with their fan base. It has a really handy app that works great and you can make post from anywhere as long as you have mobile signal. You can even have sub-blogs under the same main account login with different URLs. You can also sync it to twitter, facebook and instagram. (I have a for fun tumblr blog that has devolved into just re-posting things from other people on)
You already know wordpress... are these the directions you're using to add the domain to it? I personally used blogger when I did my own blog for a bit. It was user friendly, easy to use and there were quite a few layout options and adding in all sorts of widgets was easy. It's owned by google so it's already plugged into all of googles various things, you just have to turn some of them on. At the time I researched a lot to see which one was more user friendly and blogger won hands down. It also has a WYSIWYG post editor. You don't have complete control over how you content will look, but you have a lot. I couldn't always get added pictures to do what I wanted, which annoyed the perfectionist in me...
Once you decide on your web address, look into how available part of it is for a twitter account. With football a twitter account would be fantastic for exposure... The only thing there is you are bound to get some horrible things said to you by the twittersphere if you say something people don't agree with. Women in the media have a lot of trouble with that...