Yeah, it can take longer but as long as you meet the requirements and sent all the required documents this time, it shouldn't be a reason for refusal.
It's a tick-box visa - as long as they can tick the boxes to say you meet the requirements and have included every document, the visa will be granted. Last time, they couldn't tick all the boxes because they didn't have all 6 months of payslips, so they had to refuse it.
Again, did you pay for priority processing? If you did, you may get the visa within the next 2-3 weeks or so, but if you didn't you could be waiting another 1-2 months or so.
In theory it could take up to 24 weeks - that's UKVI's service standards time for their business targets (95% in 12 weeks, 100% in 24 weeks), but generally it hasn't taken longer than 3-4 months over the last few years.
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