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Topic: I-864 Clarification please  (Read 1351 times)

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I-864 Clarification please
« on: November 19, 2004, 11:29:04 AM »
Can someone help- I am getting really confused with the I-864 and who needs to earn what/have assets amounting to 125% above .....with regard to DCF.

Basically, we have filed the I-130 and plan to send hubby(USC)  back to domicile & get a new job but that will take time.  We don't have any property to sell, will have a couple of thousand $$ savings, and will have somewhere to live rent free for a while.

I have the choice of two joint sponsors- one who probably earns approx $30,000 and the other about $50,000 (not taking into account their spouses income(s).

So, if my husband gets  job quickly that makes the required 2004 level, we don't need a sponsor ( but is it better to have one anyway?) and if he domiciles but doesn't get a job immediately, can he still file, but we could show proof of him looking for work, setting up his bank a/c etc.

I have been warned ( and heeded the warning Sara!) about Laurie/Brooke's delay with waiting for one to go first and domicile and I am now thinking I should take that on board and try to get this done as quickly as possible- but how exactly?! Suspect this is Sara/Sarah to my rescue again.........but anyone else on the floor, this is open to all opinions and thoughts. 

I have read on another site that with the DCF process, the I-864 is considered slightly different due to the nature of DCF and one can be a little creative with the assets, but one wonders how when I dont have any and my income will not continue once I leave here, so cannot count it and I am terrified my hubby might not get a decent job immediately.......

Many Thanks,
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Re: I-864 Clarification please
« Reply #1 on: November 19, 2004, 11:34:12 AM »
Incidentally, the one who earns the $30,000 mark is the preferred joint-sponsor as she is the same person who sponsored me for my first time over there and I think the consistency with her being my sister in law and a close family relative would be preferable.

Or, should we consider, using both of them whilst my Husband doesn't actually have US based employment and proceed whilst we have "decent" jobs/regular income and history in the UK (and proof of that, as it would also show that as my Husband is here in the UK with ILR- we have never attempted to access public funds??)

This is now keeping me awake nights, I am keen to proceed, was not in any hurry, but my "gut" feeling is now to just move it right along.............arghhhh!! help!

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Re: I-864 Clarification please
« Reply #2 on: November 19, 2004, 02:13:51 PM »
I'd use the joint sponsor, if I were you. Have her fill out the forms and mail them to you. You don't actually send I-864s in the mail ever, you bring them with you to the Embassy, so you just need ot have them in hand before your interview.

Even if you guys make enough money - I'd do it. You're worried about not having enough assets, so it is an easy way to ease your mind.

Since you are worried your husband won't get a job immediately when he gets there - I say wait until this process is done. Both of you stay put in England, get a joint sponsor, go to your interview, and then go to the US together. Then he can look for a job without having the worry of the DCF processing over his head.

Aside from it not taking as long - I really think it is the berst way to do things emotionally. It is such a stressful time anyway, why make it harder? Go the easy route! :)

((Also - Have you filed the DS-230 and other forms on behalf of your husband as well?))

Just my opinion! :)
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Re: I-864 Clarification please
« Reply #3 on: November 19, 2004, 02:22:56 PM »
Hi Sheril,

Don't lose any sleep at night.  I know that's easier said than done, but try not to let it get on top of you.   :(

I'm not sure that I'm the most knowledgeable person on domicile/joint sponsorship.  My circumstances for the affidavit of support were:  me USC, unemployed housewife of seven years.  DH British/wage earner.  I was the sponsor, and we used our joint assets so we didn't require a joint sponsor or to domicile.

You seem to have a good understanding of what they want from the i 864:  a salary of $xx or assetts of $125% above the poverty line, for the number of people in your household.  If I remember correctly, I think, but I'm not 100%, that the combined salaries of the sponsor and joint sponsor need to meet the required income.  i.e. If the sponsor's is not enough, the joint sponsor will make up the difference.

They want to make sure that you will be able to support yourselves.

It would seem to me that if you already have a relative (SIL) who can sponsor you and already did so once before, that it would make sense to for them to joint sponsor again.  Having extra support would be in your favour.

As for your question about whether your husband should go to US and seek US based employment vs. staying in UK where he is currently employed, I can't answer that.  Perhaps somebody who was in that specific situation can shed some light?  

I'm sorry I don't have more concrete answers to your circumstances.  You are right that the process and paperwork is formatted for US based filing.  DCF does understand that.  Still, I know that you want to make sure everything is order, and how confusing the information is.

I'm sure somebody who repatriated in similar circumstances to yourself will reply and give you some advice.  In the meantime, try not to worry too much.   ;)
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Re: I-864 Clarification please
« Reply #4 on: November 19, 2004, 02:32:32 PM »

Can I PM you briefly with some pertinent info not for the board that my concern is based in- I will then post publicly for the benefit of others?

Thanks so much
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Re: I-864 Clarification please
« Reply #5 on: November 19, 2004, 02:43:31 PM »
Hi Kellie,

Thank you for your reassurance - you have been there right and still we do it, drive ourselves crazy!

I think I have a good understanding, but then when I start applying it to my own circumstances and then do the "maybe we should do it this way" dance, I get crazy, think I have misunderstood, read more posts and then get scared of posting again in case someone says, OI< for gods sake, we already explained it, when really they gave a 1 line answer ( and I dont mean on this forum!)

I think I have actually misunderstood being able to use current, joint income, in my head I "have" to do it a certain way, ie: send hubs home, get a job, ( we already have the address to go to) and will have somewhere to live rent free and in the meantime, my own income over here will cover us for any problems, but if he didn't get a job quickly and we need to file that paperwork, I can see it all going wrong...........hence sleepless nights!!

Ah, hugs to you girl, that was much needed :) I am actually home sick with kind of flu-ey feelings ( in my head I am having a reaction to the MMR!!) LMAO!!

I hope you are all set for your first Thanksgiving back home for a while :)
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Re: I-864 Clarification please
« Reply #6 on: November 19, 2004, 02:44:53 PM »

Can I PM you briefly with some pertinent info not for the board that my concern is based in- I will then post publicly for the benefit of others?

Thanks so much

Sure! :)
I'm done moving. Unrepatriated back to the UK, here for good!

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