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Topic: Ben and Jerry's Stand  (Read 2256 times)

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Re: Ben and Jerry's Stand
« Reply #15 on: September 29, 2016, 03:08:45 PM »
By the way, I'm starting to come around a bit on Corbyn, his speech the other day was right on the money.  I looked at the head of the Labour Party who was a serious Socialist and thought "How can I be on the wrong side of this revolution?"  I'm going to give him a chance.  In return, he'd better start singing that national anthem.

I've voted for him twice now. The first was about his broadly appealing to my ideals and dearly held philosophies; the second was because I suspect Labour will carry on trying to chuck him out and, if that's the case, I refuse to settle for the soggy sponge they offered up as an alternative.

I'm with Corbyn on the national anthem. It's a royalist funeral dirge. Just yesterday I proposed we change it to Kanye's Runaway.

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Re: Ben and Jerry's Stand
« Reply #16 on: September 29, 2016, 04:01:45 PM »
And I'm with Corbyn on the queen and joining the order of the stool or whatever ridiculous organisation that he kept shirking.  But if you're a serious politician, you've got to pay lip service to that stuff.  Sometimes you've got to carry that bucket of poo.

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Re: Ben and Jerry's Stand
« Reply #17 on: November 20, 2016, 11:49:31 AM »
Back to the original topic for a moment... when I went to the pictures a few weeks ago (to see I, Daniel Blake) I stopped to have a look at the Ben & Jerry's stand, which I don't usually do, being more interested in popcorn.

But my eyes went out on stalks when I saw Cinnamon Buns ice cream, so I had to have it.  Three scoops.  Five quid and some change.  I don't care... it was *so* worth it!

Re: Ben and Jerry's Stand
« Reply #18 on: November 21, 2016, 09:31:49 AM »
Sorry to veer away again, though I'll take a drive-by lick of that ice cream.

I've voted for him twice now.

Do they do an ‘I’m with Him’ t-shirt? If so I'll buy one as long as it's not too hairy inside.

I'm with Corbyn on the national anthem. It's a royalist funeral dirge. Just yesterday I proposed we change it to Kanye's Runaway.

Yeah but wait till he interrupts the queen in the middle of her Christmas message, even hardcore republicans will have apoplexy.

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