What I like about England
--We get Autumn here! The leaves change color and goodness, it is beautiful!
--Transport, I don't need a car here, it's lovely to climb up the stairs out of the tube station and peer up and oh! there's Big Ben
--Shopping! I love the clothes here!
What I dislike about England
--Things, like paperwork, seem to take forever here
--Sometimes my lecturers don't check their facts and use examples about the US that are skewed (ex: blacks couldn't vote in US until 1960)
--Food, I'm finding it a little bland...
What I like about the US
--Essentially, it's 'home'
--The country is so vast, so far, I believe I had more culture shock moving from the SW to the NE then moving from US to UK
--Things like paperwork don't take as long, seemingly
What I dislike about the US
--You have to pay loads to travel
--It's MASSIVE, an English person asked once that since she was visiting Los Angeles, if it were possible for her to take a bus to New York, I said, "um, you could but it will take five days"
--There seems to be a lack of a safety net to help those who fall under