I really feel your pain guys. I wish there was something to relieve it but the only thing is getting that bloody email! This is the worst!
Before I got the email, I was wondering if the way they process the queue is like the immigration line at the airports on arrival into another country. There is one line until you get to immigration and then they split you up into 5 smaller lines with each immigration officer on duty (if you're a non-national of course ;-)
I used to always hate it when you'd already been split into those 5 smaller lines but then when a 6th immigration officer starts their shift, instead of diverting the people that were already waiting in those 5 smaller lines to this new officer, they grab people from the main queue! What that effectively meant is that some people got to jump the queue and be processed before others in the 5 smaller queues. It's not their fault but the system is flawed!
And then for those still left waiting in one of those 5 lines, it's just your luck that you happen to be behind that one person that the officer decides to interrogate right before you being next and they take another 10mins longer to process than anyone else! Meanwhile, the person that got off the plane WAY behind you has already been processed and is collecting their luggage!! So annoying.
Anyway, I hope I'm making some sense. It's the only thing that I could think of when I was sitting there wondering what the hell had happened to our application! When I wrote to UKVI again last week, I actually did come straight out and asked them if they'd lost our application.
Which reminds me, has anyone also heard from KJDubbs and Maluf again about their status?