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Topic: November Timeline  (Read 30065 times)

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #105 on: November 12, 2016, 07:50:32 PM »
Hey Guys,

Just checking if the spouse in uk has a tier 2 visa then which form is applicable?

If the sponsor holds a Tier 2, then the spouse needs to apply for a Tier 2 dependent visa. 

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #106 on: November 12, 2016, 09:59:24 PM »
Someone I know applied for settlement visa , but the form online seems similar.
I am guesssing they will be rejected?

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #107 on: November 12, 2016, 11:03:20 PM »
Yes - a settlement visa is only for people whose spouse is either a UK Citizen or holds ILR (permanent residence) in the UK.

If the spouse is a visa-holder themselves, they cannot sponsor a settlement visa.

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #108 on: November 14, 2016, 05:26:26 PM »
Hello everyone! I am new on here. Very excited to have found this resource. I have been panicking a bit since I mailed off my application. I keep thinking of things I could have done better i.e. proof of contact while we were apart (all I included was one screenshot from a Facebook messenger convo and my email inbox with subject lines/dates), I forgot the passport photo page from our flatmate in the UK! Ah oh well, what can you do? Except sit around and wait!!

UK Student Visa: 2015-2016

Spouse Visa (Priority Service)
Married in the UK: Sept 24
Online App Submitted: Nov 1
Biometrics: Nov 7
Documents Arrived: Nov 10
Confirmation E-Mail: Nov 11
Decision E-Mail:
Visa Received:

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #109 on: November 15, 2016, 04:56:27 AM »
I am begging for advice and any help given is beyond appreciated. Today My Fiance settlement visa application and my childrens visas came back DENIED. My heartbroke into tiny pieces for myself, my 3 boys, and my fiance. I need to know what to do now. My fiance and I do not know what is financially best and less time consuming way to approach things. Do we do an appeal. Should we have him come to America to get married first here then apply for a spouse visa after he goes back to England. How long do we need to wait to apply again. How long do the above methods generally take/cost? Ours was denied due to financials which is right crap because he made 27,607.81 on his yearly and we only needed 27,200 for financial qualification. however, they based his income on his paychecks from august 2015 to july 2016 and said he made 24,503.18 placing us below the needed bracket. It is sad that he will clear the needed amount by the time the next p60 is issued, but that apparently does not matter. They denied us on human rights stating no exceptional cirumstances. we showed proof that we have a very close relationship also I have built a genuine relationship with his mom, dad, siblings and grandparents. We also showed that in june 2016 we suffered a miscarriage of twins resulting in wages for june and july being less than the normal due to him grieving and him spending 3 weeks in the states with me then. We also stated that we needed to be together to properly grieve the loss of our babies. The fact that the entry officer did not show any sympathy for that is just heartbreaking. The entry officer stated that even though we show a family relationship there is no reason my fiance can not just go settle in America. I have no family here other than my 3 boys. I have gained a bond I treasure with his family and they adore my boys as their own. He is very close with his family too so for them to write he should just locate to me is absurd! I am at a loss and am begging for any information, advice, just anything. thank you in advanced everybody
****Applied In United States seeking to settle in England.
Non priority applications. We used a solicitor, but sent packets off ourselves using vfs 2day service for each applications with ups as the shipping method also included the return shipping labels for each application pack.
August 8, 2016 applications paid for
August 9, 2016 Biometrics for myself and children.
August 16, applications sent off
August 18, arrived in Sheffield
September 2 email stating documents being prepped for entry officer
October 27 out of desperation we sent an email through the government site and got this response "October 27, 2016 an email was sent back from the UK Visas and Immigration International Enquiry Service stating our visas had been processed and it would only be a few days before we would know something."
November 11, 2016 emails from sheffield confirming documents have been dispatched.
November 14, 2016 Visas arrived DENIED
(October 25, 2016 Date of official refusal)

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #110 on: November 15, 2016, 07:09:20 AM »
Sorry about your refusals DegsnDevs :(.

My fiance and I do not know what is financially best and less time consuming way to approach things. Do we do an appeal. Should we have him come to America to get married first here then apply for a spouse visa after he goes back to England. How long do we need to wait to apply again. How long do the above methods generally take/cost?

I wouldn't bother with an appeal - they can take up to 1 year to be decided, and are unlikely to be successful unless UKVI made a mistake in refusing the visa (plus you can't add any extra documents.

You can reapply for the visas right away, as long as you have all the documents ready and have made sure you definitely meet all the requirements.

It's up to you if you marry in the US and then apply for the spousal visa (and kids visas), or if you try for the fiance visa again... just depends what's more financially viable for you.

Fiance visa
- £1,195 x 3 for the visas
- flights x 3 to move to the UK
- £1,311 x 3 for FLR(M) visas after the wedding

Spousal visa
- £1,795 x 3 for the visas
- flights x 2 for him to come to the US to marry and go back again
- flights x 3 for you to move to the UK

Ours was denied due to financials which is right crap because he made 27,607.81 on his yearly and we only needed 27,200 for financial qualification. however, they based his income on his paychecks from august 2015 to july 2016 and said he made 24,503.18 placing us below the needed bracket.

What financial category did you apply under? What kind of income does he have (employed, salaried, non-salaried, self-employed)?

You mentioned you applied in August, so yes, the only payslips they will look at are August 2015 to July 2016 for Category B (or January to July 2016 for Category A) - they base that calculation on the date you applied online.

You HAVE to show you made the minimum amount on the required payslips, which are either the preceeding 6 months or 12 months immediately prior to the online application date.

They denied us on human rights stating no exceptional cirumstances.

That's standard - they have to put that in there, but they can only exercise the human rights stuff if you are already living in the UK and are applying to extend the original visa.

also I have built a genuine relationship with his mom, dad, siblings and grandparents.

Your relationship with his family is irrelevant for the visa and cannot be considered.
The fact that the entry officer did not show any sympathy for that is just heartbreaking.

I'm really sorry for your loss :(. Unfortunately, the visa is 'tick-box' and they aren't allowed to include personal feelings. You didn't meet the financial requirement, so they had no choice but to refuse the visa.

The entry officer stated that even though we show a family relationship there is no reason my fiance can not just go settle in America. I have no family here other than my 3 boys. I have gained a bond I treasure with his family and they adore my boys as their own. He is very close with his family too so for them to write he should just locate to me is absurd!

Again, this is standard wording. Unless he is legally banned from entering the US, or it's too dangerous for you to stay in the US (i.e. you live in a war-torn country or could be killed if you stayed), they will see no real reason why he can't move to the US instead.

I am at a loss and am begging for any information, advice, just anything. thank you in advanced everybody

Can you post the exact wording of your refusal?

Also if you can give details of his income and exactly how much he earns each month (and what was shown on each of his payslips) we can help work out when you could try to apply again.

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #111 on: November 15, 2016, 12:07:21 PM »
We got a decision has been made email today!! Documents are on their way back to us with answer 🙈

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #112 on: November 15, 2016, 02:01:49 PM »
Congratulations @holandlou.
When was the confirmation email

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #113 on: November 15, 2016, 02:17:13 PM »
Thank you! We got the email 4:57 am today eastern standard time

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #114 on: November 15, 2016, 02:19:43 PM »
How are all the people who got approved visas in here doing with moving everything and getting ready to go to the uk this month?

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #115 on: November 15, 2016, 03:31:51 PM »
I just applied for my Tier 2 Shortage Occupation Visa online. (I was nervous about this because I didn't know if I should apply for the regular General, but I think I'm safe as nurses are on the shortage list).

Visa application completed last night (I was so nervous about a lot of it. But I think it's pretty straight forward as I'm a nurse and I have a clean background. I put in my expected points based on the UKVI PDF).

My biometric appointment is 18 November and then I post everything off to NYC that day.
I'm a bit concerned because my work start date is 5 December (though my employer said they could push it back if need be). We pushed forward quickly because my employer seemed confident I could get the visa back in time. I'm not so sure now, though, because NYC office has both Thurs and Fri off for Thanksgiving.

I did the big no-no of booking my flight for 2 December as I was worried about the prices getting insane, but the airline has a reasonable rebooking fee so boyfriend and I felt it was worth the risk.

I'm nervous. I'm afraid of having the application rejected due to some minor t not being crossed....

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #116 on: November 15, 2016, 03:43:49 PM »
How are all the people who got approved visas in here doing with moving everything and getting ready to go to the uk this month?

Good! I bought a flight the day after I got my visa back, packed my bags and left, so it's been sort of nonstop for me this week. I caught a nasty flu on the plane so that was a horrendous 11 hour flight but other than that it's all been quite smooth and I've settled in quite well. Everything's unpacked and I walked in and dropped off my CV at a few places yesterday, got called back for second interviews at all of them today so every day since I've been back has just been go go go it was really hard saying goodbye to my family but hopefully I can plan a trip out to see them again soon!

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #117 on: November 15, 2016, 04:08:21 PM »
How are all the people who got approved visas in here doing with moving everything and getting ready to go to the uk this month?

Good on my side too, my wife lands at Heathrow a week tomorrow and then we finally get to start the rest of our lives after all these years, trips, airport goodbyes and hours of facetime!

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #118 on: November 16, 2016, 12:55:14 AM »
How are all the people who got approved visas in here doing with moving everything and getting ready to go to the uk this month?

We're not actually going to England until 12 January but we're very excited to finally have a move date!! Relaxing for as long as we can, then selling 90% of our belongings and heading out :)

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Re: November Timeline
« Reply #119 on: November 16, 2016, 01:21:24 AM »
I'm so excited for everyone my documents are due to arrive to me tomorrow hopefully approved visa 🤗

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