I don't know what these people want.
I can only imagine....but putting myself in a Trump supporters way of thinking (at least I think I am) and I would think a bit like the Brexit thinking likely went......
1. Is your life better/ok? If you lived in the bigger areas or had good jobs, you voted for Clinton so things would stay the same. If you lived in more rural areas, things weren't likely going so well and so any change is good change......
2. People see the people with money keep making more money while they don't have any. If you don't have money or a good job......any change is good change.
3. People are hoping things in politics would change for the better.....but all they see are things staying the same, or getting worse. Their opinions don't "appear" to be considered......any change is good change.
4. They see someone who is at least stating that he is going to "shake things up". If you are tired of what "things in general" are looking like.....any change is good change.
I can go on.....and no, I don't think "any change is good change". But I can understand the helpless feeling of people who have watched as their lives have not improved....even though they have been told they will......and now finally there is someone who "seems" like he will at least try to do something. I didn't vote (laziness+potential tax issues).......I would have voted Clinton by a long shot....but I am hoping that Trump actually carries through with some of what he is spouting..... I will make the best of things. I very much was feeling "helpless" to the political/big business machines doing things in
their best interest and not in
peoples best interest......in my opinion of course.