misandrist- hatred of men/boys....I was kind of lost on the point as well.
I tried to figure out what the % of eligible voters at each age group were......I failed.....of course I gave up after the first failure, but I gave it a try. I was hoping there would be something like this out there......the % in the past have tended to go up with the age.
18-29 10 million total, 4 million voted = 40%
30-44 15 million total, 8 million voted = 53%
45-64 20 million total, 13 million voted = 65%
The numbers are made up....no idea what they really are. I was just wondering if again the older voters just participated more.......or what? Not sure if the age group numbers skewed things.....18-29=11 years, 30-44=14 years, 45-64=19 years