FATCA is a bad law. But the issue is more complex than that. FATCA is designed to regulate Americans who have bank accounts overseas. It is a bad law for expats who only have foreign bank accounts because we have to if we want to live normal lives in the countries where we live. The problem isn't us, it's the Americans who live in the US but keep their assets offshore. But most people, on both sides of the aisle, don't understand why any American would want to live abroad. They don't care about our issues, and more than that many don't think that we even retain the right to vote. THAT is the problem, from our standpoint. No one in Washington represents us, not really. Trumpites might oppose FATCA, but only because they want to be able to stash their loot offshore with no complications. Despite the personal struggles we face, we should definitely not vote for hyper-"patriotic" oligarchs with dictatorial tendencies, there is no way in flaming heck that they would ever be on our side in a conflict. After all, how could we be "real Americans" when we choose not to live in the best country in the world?