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Topic: Last Edit:  (Read 4330 times)

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Last Edit:
« on: December 02, 2016, 08:33:29 AM »
Never apologize, never explain.
attributed to Benjamin Jowett

Sorry for collecting these so often they're almost a tag. As an inveterate tweaker of posts, I try to bear the almost inevitable edit line with equanimity, but sometimes it makes me despair at my inability to get it right the first time; hats off to all who do. Forums are a unique form of editable discussion. While the facility can be abused ("I didn't say that!" "Yes you did, you just deleted it"), I like to think that those who would, must know they've just donned a shameful scarlet letter – perhaps C for Cheat. Let this post be my testament that my edits are innocent. Almost always it's because I think of a better way of wording something. Maddeningly, for me it often takes the act of posting to flush out the elusive quarry of a satisfying sentence. And I can't usually do it in a minute, or whatever the grace period is.

As long as I've put myself up for public scrutiny, it's only fair to inform UKY denizens that, although I appreciate that the Romans do it this way, and it's lovely to be liked, I don't do Likes. Submitted FYI lest I acquire a reputation for churlish non-reciprocation.

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Re: Last Edit:
« Reply #1 on: December 02, 2016, 01:27:45 PM »
lest I acquire a reputation for churlish non-reciprocation.

There's been a private message going around about this. Indianaguy987 says you are an a-hole by-the-way.
I just hope that more people will ignore the fatalism of the argument that we are beyond repair. We are not beyond repair. We are never beyond repair. - AOC

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Re: Last Edit:
« Reply #2 on: December 02, 2016, 09:07:55 PM »
Never apologize, never explain.
attributed to Benjamin Jowett

Sorry for collecting these so often they're almost a tag. As an inveterate tweaker of posts, I try to bear the almost inevitable edit line with equanimity, but sometimes it makes me despair at my inability to get it right the first time; hats off to all who do. Forums are a unique form of editable discussion. While the facility can be abused ("I didn't say that!" "Yes you did, you just deleted it"), I like to think that those who would, must know they've just donned a shameful scarlet letter – perhaps C for Cheat. Let this post be my testament that my edits are innocent. Almost always it's because I think of a better way of wording something. Maddeningly, for me it often takes the act of posting to flush out the elusive quarry of a satisfying sentence. And I can't usually do it in a minute, or whatever the grace period is.

As long as I've put myself up for public scrutiny, it's only fair to inform UKY denizens that, although I appreciate that the Romans do it this way, and it's lovely to be liked, I don't do Likes. Submitted FYI lest I acquire a reputation for churlish non-reciprocation.
Most of us simply add a new post or put an 'eta: blah blah blah' I tend to treat this like Twitter.
The usual. American girl meets British guy. They fall into like, then into love. Then there was the big decision. The American traveled across the pond to join the Brit. And life was never the same again.

Re: Last Edit:
« Reply #3 on: December 02, 2016, 09:40:19 PM »
There's been a private message going around about this. Indianaguy987 says you are an a-hole by-the-way. We interrupt this sonofasailor quote to bring you this #ShippingForecast: Fitzroy, Sole - Easterly or southeasterly 4 or 5, increasing 6 at times, occasionally 7 in southwest Fitzroy. Slight or moderate, occasionally rough. Occasional rain later. Good, occasionally moderate later. Tastes good with lemon butter. Fisher - North 4 or 5, increasing 6 at times, occasionally 7 at first, can I have 8, will anybody bid 8? Slight or moderate, occasionally rough at first. Fair. Good. Surreal.

Sun Tzu sez LOL. Via diplomatic channels, as the private messaging system has apparently been blown.

Re: Last Edit:
« Reply #4 on: January 15, 2017, 09:24:18 PM »
TBH I’d now prefer to edit my OP out of existence – something the software, as configured, doesn’t allow after a while. Though I’d probably still out myself over Likes. It’s only fair.

Too short; didn't read.
« Last Edit: January 15, 2017, 10:11:45 PM by conjunctionjunction »

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