Beer - just keep trying them! You can get samples in pubs before you get a full pint to see if you like them.
So many out there. Such personal taste. Of course, real ales (cask conditioned, bottle conditioned, barrels, etc) are lovely and served cellar temperature. But there also some really good 'craft beers' now, which are kegged and carbonated and served cold.
Beer is like whisky. Someone may think they don't like whisky, but they just haven't found the right one yet.
Me, I'm not fussed if it's true to being a real ale. I put taste and quality of the brew above anything else. Some real ales are crap. Some keg beers are crap. Pretty much all large commercial lagery types of beers taste crap to me. Beer is about taste and flavour and finding what we like
It would kind of be mean to find a beer I like now. My husband can only have gluten free beers (which luckily he finds quite drinkable).
So many good gluten free beers now!