Yeah, Five Guys was expensive in San Diego, too, but almost all hamburger places there without a drive-through cost in the $7 - $8 range just for the burger as of last month (as far as I know). We had a real favorite place, though - Angelo's up in Encinitas. Greasy spoon place that has been there for decades. You buy one burger/fries/drink combo for about $8 and they'll throw in a second burger for free on request!
Anyway, I was never crazy about FG's burgers, but they made the best fries in town. When the Daughter was abroad at school I very often took a package to mail to her at our local PO on a Saturday morning. It was in the same shopping center as FG so I'd have some lovely fries for lunch. The double-cooking does the trick, I think.
An aside, Daughter says that hot dogs in Glasgow are "horrific" and warned me to not buy one ever. She also says that thankfully you can get a "real" one at FG's. So I imagine that on the 4th we will toodle down to City Center and have an American Hot Dog and reminisce.
Something Daughter mentioned the other day, and I have to agree. We see a lot of things (fast food, for example) advertised where the actual price number (say, the 7 in $7 is the same here for a similar item, it's just in pounds instead of dollars, a lot of the time. Of course, with the exchange rate today, it's 1/3 more than that for us to buy when we're converting from dollars to pounds, but it's somewhat interesting that the actual numbers seem to be the same. Groceries, on the other hand, are dirt cheap.
Which brings me to.... does anyone know where to buy vanilla extract that is literally just vanilla and the alcohol base? All the stuff I'm finding on the shelves here seems to have sugar added.