Ok, the vanilla brand is Ndali, comes in a little tin bottle, and darned good! Just extract and the alcohol carrier, no water added, no sugar (or anything else added). I was wincing at the price but it's concentrated enough that a cap does three-dozen cookies just fine. I'll be getting it again, definitely.
Made it out to Braehead to see Guardians of the Galaxy II (funny movie) and stopped at 5 Guys. The hot dog was fine. The fries were not the same. Good, but not the same as at home (probably the variety of potato). The onions on the dog were sweet instead of sharp, too. But overall enjoyed my blast from the past. Both of us had hotdogs and we split a small fries and with tap water to drink we got out of there for just over 11 pounds, I think. Probably will only go on the 4th if I'm feeling nostalgic. Went to Zizzi for pizza yesterday (have been really craving a NY slice) and while it wasn't anything near NY style, their rustic pizza was spectacularly good.
I think I'll be used to it soon, but I was so accustomed to, when going out shopping (or errands, etc.) for the day running through a drive-through or going into a mom-and-pop for a cheap snack. Here there are a few places (like Greggs) you can pop into and grab something for a quick and cheap, but no a lot of them, it seems. I am cooking three meals a day at home now. Don't mind it, but it's like going back to my childhood when that was the norm.
Probably a lot healthier, too.
Oh, we were walking yesterday and came across a platoon of nursery workers in uniform, each with a double-stroller with a toddler in each bay, coming through the Botanics in formation, two by two (The Mary Poppins Platoon). Blast from my past there, too. I remember that it used to be the thing to do to make sure your young child was taken outside for fresh air every day, rain or shine.... I feel like I'm from the cretaceous some days.

... but glad to see the kiddies. Every one was rosy-cheeked and sound asleep. It was lovely in the Botanic Garden, as always, too.
Oh, yeah, for the addicted. The Odeon theatre in Braehead has Ben and Jerry's by the scoop. Not just the usual four you see in the grocery store, but also Cherry Garcia and some of the other really good ones....