Hi - Yeah, I'm a fries connoisseur and had found the 5 Guys Fries (regular style) in San Diego to be about the best I'd had. Unfortunately, although tasty, the ones down at Braehead were just not the same. The texture was wrong, and it's probably the difference between Idaho potatoes and whatever the local variety. Again, they were not bad, just not "the same". Probably as close as I'll get, though.
And the Botanic was one of the major considerations about where we were going to live (assuming a flat was available). I expect to spend a lot of time over there. I am older, and so it takes much less to amuse me through my days than it used to. I am cursed with waking up at 5:30 in the morning whether I want to or not. I used to dream of sleeping late when I retired, but noooooo, 5-freaking-thirty I wake up regardless of when I'd gone to sleep the night before. Anyway, I have a lot of time to putter now and I very much enjoy the walk over to the Garden when it first opens up, sitting an people watching, and, when it's sunny, getting some rays, and then going on over to Waitrose/Byers Road to the shops and PO. It's really nice to be slowed down. It's so much lower-stress here that it's like night and day. (And a good thing.)
I may have to, at some point when I get my old-lady-bus-pass, go on some expeditions elsewhere in search of french fries or Brooklyn pizza....