I don't know why I missed this post earlier but I'm glad I found it now!
DH and I love to garden, but we'll be getting a late start this year. We just got back from 6 months in Europe and the US and we'd given up our flat before leaving, so we'll be look for a new one, hopefully with a garden!
In past years, we've grown peas, cherry tomatoes, sunflowers, round courgettes and basil. I like taking cuttings of plants and have had a few very successful fuchsias.
The last bit of our trip was in the Black Forest and the weather was amazing - around or just over 20C each day. When we arrived in mid-March, most people were getting their garden on already. It was inspiring but reminded us that we might not get that this year, depending on what kind of flat we rent.
Even if it's just pots on the windowsill, we'll be growing something, I'm sure!