I'll be living in the north. My husband's family is spread between Blackpool, St. Anne's, and Leyland. We've chosen Garstang to make our home. There is a Booth's and a Sainsbury. I'll try Sainsbury again. We are both retired, so time isn't really an object. I buy very little processed food and my husband who is already there has sourced out eggs, cream, and milk from local farms where they sell at the farm gate. I like buying locally, in season and loads of vegetables and fruits. My processed needs are flour, yeast for bread baking, coffee, tea, sugar, rice, and herbs and spices. We try to eat clean and chemical free. And of course, cleaning supplies. I found Asda to be limited on plain food and more focused on processed food. Believe it or not, there is an Aldi's in St. Augustine, Florida and I found the food I purchased there to be poor quality and mostly packaged, processed imports. It'll be interesting to see how it shakes out for me. And it's interesting to me to see where others shop. Thanks everyone.