One thing that I have found strange is that flying from London to NY security is very tight, multiple checks, but much less so flying NYC to London.
I've found this to be frighteningly true. Last summer, flying from JFK to LHR I saw, on an extremely long line a lot of which was visible to me, one person being checked. One. He also happened to be a black man. I passed through with ease, though I'd not been expecting much different, as I was traveling with a student group and we are generally among the last to get checked. The attitude definitely had an air of "Go ahead little white girl, you couldn't possibly be a terrorist."
I get a similar attitude from security authorities in a lot of places, actually. This a very minor example, but at my school all students have to have their University ID cards to get into places like libraries, computer labs, etc, etc (I've got to admit I'm having a hard time seeing the threat posed to the library, but that's beside the point.) A couple of times going in I've witnessed scenes where the minority student, usually a black guy, in front of me gets stopped, hastled, and given a lot of grief, and yet almost always when this happens no one even
asks me to show my ID. They kind of step aside and let me pass a little too politely. And it's not like there's only one security guard, either. Yet they're giving minorities who have shown no indications a much harder time, and even subjecting them to a pat-down on occasion. I, on the other hand, were I of a violent mind, could walk in there with almost anything in my bag or in my coat, pockets, whatever, and have a very good shot at getting in without any trouble at all. Because, of course, we all know that white, blonde-haired, blue-eyed 19 year old girls would never do
anything wrong.
So, that was the disturbing case at JFK. On the way back in August, going from LHR to JFK, I was startled by the difference. It was actually the first time I'd flown internationally since 9/11, and before then I don't think I'd ever been checked anywhere, not in LHR, not in Sydney, not in New Zealand, etc. But on this flight, from what I could tell, they were checking every single person. Everyone. And thoroughly too. A non-invasive pat-down, metal detection, and examination of absolutely everything I was carrying with me on board. Absolutely everything. No corner of my carry-ons or anything were left unturned. I had made sure, earlier, to put all sharp instruments, expecially my nail kit, in my luggage, but I'll admit it hadn't occurred to me that my tweezers could be considered dangerous. They inspected those, but let me keep them in my carry-on b/c they were old and dull. There was more to it, but as it was August and I had had almost no sleep the night before (early morning flight this one), I don't remember the whole thing.
I must say I was very impressed. I don't know how they managed, at those multiple tables behind the dividers, to inspect everyone without causing too much inconvenience. Or how they managed to thoroughly inspect everything, including the most personal items, without seeming invasive or impolite. I felt quite safe walking onto
that plane.
It was such a huge contrast to JFK and a huge eye-opener (which I even commented to these same security officials.)
I feel
so safe now.