Thanks to those who answered my bio and shipping questions a couple of weeks ago. Now, I have a new problem. I paid for my application and registered on the VFS site to ship my documents to New York. Through a comedy of errors (if only it was funny), I accidentally (though I have no idea how) checked a Child visa instead of a Partner visa for the shipping. The actual application is correct, but the VFS registration is wrong.
I'm freaking out. I don't want to send it to the wrong category. I've contacted VFS, but they're closed until Monday and I searched Google to find out if anyone else made such a stupid mistake and only found one other person. They said that VFS was no help and said to register again, which was impossible because you can only use your GWF number once. They also said they never got their money back.
So, what are my choices here? Send it with the wrong registration category and hope someone realizes, "Hey, this isn't a child application"? (Sounds like a bad bet). Or do I send it via UPS on my own and hope VFS issues us a refund? Any other ideas?
I'm sooooo stressed.