What's a Baja blast? Last time I went to the Taco Bell the menu was indecipherable.
I'm 1/2 Mexican so going to Taco Bell is like being a traitor to "La Raza" but this girl has been there because I can be lazy AF and sometimes I get a hankering for a cheap taco that I know I'll regret later but at that time it's so good. I always pull the "English husband made me do it" if my people see me with sachets of TB "Fire" hot sauce.
I haven't been to TB in five years but the curiosity got to me. My son's best friend is a manager there and he told me that Mountain Dew Baja Blast specifically isn't even sold in stores anymore and only TB sells it. But most, if not all, Mountain Dew products were pulled out of the UK around 1999. That's why you can't find Baja Blast in the UK.
Anyhow, he brought me this magical elixir y'all have been talking about. I don't know if it's my 46 years and my palate has changed but it was not to my liking at all. The 20's me would have been all over it. Now, I just sort of shuddered at the sweet. I had some tacos and that Blast and I felt so dirty and shamed. I won't be doing that again anytime soon

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