I'm not close to being technically British yet but I expect that eventually I will be firmly British everywhere but the UK and the US.
I think this probably captures my feelings more closely haha
I was just asking the question because I was thinking about how many people may have immigrated to the UK and become "English"/"British" and are described that way but don't necessarily
sound that way or share every part of the culture but it doesn't make them less British by standards so I was wondering at what point do people recognise a person as British vs an immigrant (was less about me personally hah). Just thought it was an interesting thing to think about and I think I probably agree with most people here about maybe needing to be a citizen before personally considering myself British, although ultimately it feels like I would never actually be considered British by the people that know me because they will have known that I was born in the US. If i went to somewhere in the US apart from my home state, I am pretty sure people would assume I'm British. I've assimilated pretty well here and, to
Americans I don't sound American (but to English I don't sound English except on rare occasions where a stranger doesn't notice lol They all say I have a particular twang to some words suggesting I am not from here originally). But I don't feel British in that I feel like it's branded on me that I'm not. But what exactly makes a person British or American or anything else?
Like you know how to be diagnosed with something in a medical sense, you'd have to tick of a certain amount of boxes on a list of symptoms? If there were tick boxes needing to be checked to be considered a certain nationality, what would they be? What boxes need to be ticked to be considered British in your opinions? (sorry to get super deep haha I'm half awake with most of my coffee still in my cup and I think this whole Manchester thing has had me thinking about all the wonderful people, regardless of where they've come from, that make those living in this country proud to be from here and they outweigh the $h!tty people who commit these horrible acts)