My sister has a traditional IRA with ~$20,000 stemming from a 401(k) rollover from employment in the US ~13 years ago. She is 40 years old, now UK tax resident and has otherwise no US tax connection whatsoever.
She's thinking of closing the IRA and repatriating the funds to the UK. The broker (Charles Schwab) has advised that they will withhold 30% for federal taxes upon closure of account.
Will a UK tax liability arise? Based on §17(2) of the UK/US DTA and HMRC guidance DT19876a (payment of lump sums), I understand that there will be no additional UK liability. Correct?
Are further steps with regards to the US necessary? I understand that the 30% is a standard withholding for NRAs and should be complete and sufficient. Does the fact that it's an early withdrawal matter here?
Would appreciate any pointers.
Many thanks!
Firstly she would be liable for a 10% tax penalty for early withdrawal -on top of any tax owing.
However the 30% tax withheld is the legally mandatory withholding
-it is NOT the amount of tax owed.
An IRA lump sum distribution according to the US-UK tax treaty is taxable only in the US. It should be taxed as ordinary income, and the tax on $20,000 would be much lower than 30%, even if you add the 10% penalty.
Therefore filling in a 1040NR for the tax year in which the distribution is made will result in a tax refund of the difference between the 30% withheld, and the tax due (10% plus current US tax on $20,000 income minus the approx $4000 personal allowance).