As much as I love the fact that husband and I are very alike and enjoy a majority of the same shows, I also LOATHE it because I have the ability to marathon through stuff and he does not enjoy that because he wants to "make the shows last". I tell him I have WAY too many things to watch, so I don't need to make anything last longer than necessary LOL. He likes to be productive though so sitting on the sofa for a few hours marathon TV is not his idea of a good time, go figure!
I have a few interests that my husband does not share (sci-fi/speculative fiction, especially), and I know I can safely watch those shows or films without him. And he is happy to binge on a weekend if we don't have any projects going at the moment--especially if it's raining. But it's hard because of how much time I'm here without him. He is kept busy with work during the day and visits with people who consider him a friend in the evenings (he considers them "social obligations"), and limited amenities when he's in Salisbury, so he doesn't have as much free time or access to watch things. But I'm here all week, with nothing stopping me from watching all the episodes except the knowledge that I can't then watch it for the first time with my husband later. That knowledge is enough, but it's still a bit of a struggle.
Oh! Another show we're watching: American Horror Story. I don't know if that was mentioned. I am
loving this series ("Cult"). (Also, we somehow managed to miss all of last year's... we thought Hotel was the last one and we were all caught up, but we lost track of things during the move and missed the entire series. So we're going to go back to watch it after this series has wrapped up.)