Just weighing in here as a US and UK homebirther.
I know zero, zip, nada about the hospital so can't help there for either country.
Loved both my US and UK homebirths. Both times I hired a tub and birthed babe in the water. Didn't have an OB in the States, only Licenced Midwife. Just great births all around and I felt great during and after and babies were all healthy, strong, etc.
My GP here in England says 1. he never ever recommends homebirth to any woman and 2. you absolutely must get out of hospital before six hours post partum due to the terrible rate of hospital acquired infections in this country. Of course, if one has a c-sec, then that isn't possible but for spontaneous vaginal, that's his recommendation.
All the hospitals where i lived in the US (San Francisco area) tested positive for most antibiotic resistent pathogens.
Our private insurance company paid for my homebirth costs in the States.