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Topic: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....  (Read 5500 times)

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #30 on: December 03, 2004, 09:08:39 PM »

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #31 on: December 04, 2004, 07:59:43 AM »
Oh oh oh oh! I forgot the Ripper Walk! Great fun!

Cascode...I'm going to take leave of this thread for a sec because I'm not sure why you're so angry, or seem to be. It's a harmless question of "what's to do in London" and you, being in the perfect position to give great advice (you live in the area, you're British, you know the language and the ways far better than we do), aren't really getting into the spirit of the conversation. And I'm not sure your point, except to say you really don't like where you live. *shrug* okay, we got that.

How about we stick to the topic, and if there's not a recommendation from a poster as to what GREAT things there are to do in London, the said poster just then watch, read and learn? I think this was the message Elizabeth was trying to get across, but probably just a little ticked off you were dissing a city she absolutely adores.

And I was sitting back and watching far too long. For those of us who love London, or are excited to be seeing London, either for the first or tenthousandth time, and wanting to know all the great things to do while there, we welcome your advice! But I'm hearing an undertone of "Yankee Go Home"...and I don't think you mean that.
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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #32 on: December 04, 2004, 10:06:28 AM »
Oh oh oh oh! I forgot the Ripper Walk! Great fun!

Cascode...I'm going to take leave of this thread for a sec because I'm not sure why you're so angry, or seem to be. It's a harmless question of "what's to do in London"
How about we stick to the topic, and if there's not a recommendation from a poster as to what GREAT things there are to do in London, the said poster just then watch, read and learn?

Why is it that in UKY people seem to want to psychoanalyse my posts, usually incorrectly I might add ?  Nah, scratch that question - I KNOW why.
Anyway, I am not in the SLIGHTEST bit angry.

Back to the topic - I did post a place I would visit again, gave the address and phone number.
My point about St Albans is that it has the history but not the crowds. And it is just a short train jorney from London.

Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #33 on: December 04, 2004, 10:11:43 AM »

My point about St Albans is that it has the history but not the crowds. And it is just a short train jorney from London.

Which would answer the question 'Where in the UK should I visit?'  Not 'what is one great thing to see in London'.  She's going to LONDON.  She's not touring the Southeast.  So you reccomended a pub.  Great.   ::)  But, really why do you care so much.  Some people like London.  Some people LOVE it.  You don't.  Fair enough.   Go start another topic about where people should visit that isn't London.  But for the love of Pete, please drop it.  Okay?  She's already there anyway, having a whale of a time I'm sure.   :)

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #34 on: December 04, 2004, 10:51:57 AM »

Which would answer the question 'Where in the UK should I visit?'  Not 'what is one great thing to see in London'.  So you reccomended a pub.  Great.   ::) 

It isn't just a pub. It is a very famous pub, and IMHO, well worth a visit.

Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #35 on: December 04, 2004, 10:54:05 AM »
OK!  You've mentioned it a million times!  Thanks.  Lots of people gave lots of great ideas and reccomended lots of cool things to do, and you don't see them rabbiting on about it!  Why do you need special recognition. 

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #36 on: December 04, 2004, 11:07:20 AM »
Hey folks - she's probably THERE in London by now .... and this thread seems to have drifted away from a discussion of London places.

Thanks for your contributions everyone .... I look forward to hearing from our orignal poster on Monday or Tuesday what she did / where she went.   With only limited time available, she'll probably have only been able to do one or two of the wide range of suggestions, but I'm sure that others will find the thread in the future and get ideas from it too.
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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #37 on: December 04, 2004, 12:16:37 PM »
OK!  You've mentioned it a million times! 

You're welcome.... :D

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #38 on: December 04, 2004, 02:04:48 PM »
I hope vnice remmebers to post back on here and tell us where she did go

Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #39 on: December 04, 2004, 02:13:23 PM »
Oooooh that reminds me Gordons Wine Bar in Villiers St (off the Strand, nr charing cross station) is a MUST even if you are not a wine drinker.

Quick hijack - Liz, do tell more about this Gordons! I'm... er... a wine drinker. To put it mildly. Do they have a nice selection? Fair prices? Do they have nibbles too? I'd be a very happy girl to find a new place to indulge my... obsession.  ;)

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #40 on: December 04, 2004, 02:20:07 PM »
They have a very good selection, good prices, great nibbles (wonderful marinated olives!) and substantial looking meals if you want one. The main attraction for me though is that it is in a cellar so it's dark with lots of little alcoves and candle lighting. Very Bohemian.

Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #41 on: December 04, 2004, 03:12:14 PM »
They have a very good selection, good prices, great nibbles (wonderful marinated olives!) and substantial looking meals if you want one. The main attraction for me though is that it is in a cellar so it's dark with lots of little alcoves and candle lighting. Very Bohemian.

Ooooh, that sounds SO ME! I'm very excited - must go there as soon as I can find a bit o' time!  :D

Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #42 on: December 04, 2004, 05:39:38 PM »
OK!  You've mentioned it a million times!  Thanks.  Lots of people gave lots of great ideas and reccomended lots of cool things to do, and you don't see them rabbiting on about it!  Why do you need special recognition. 

I think it's because people keep saying that his contributions are useless.
I would be pure raging if anyone on this board 'talked' to me the way they 'talk' to Cascode!

Anyway, i hope vnicepeeps is having a nice time in London. 

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #43 on: December 04, 2004, 06:05:56 PM »
Oh oh too late for vnice but I just remembered a couple of other very nice very old pubs:

Ye Old Cheshire Cheese: a fantastic old pub in Fleet St - lots of different rooms, lots of original features and low ceilings,  unfortunately very popular with the 'suits'  but definitely worth going to.

The Mitre Another very old pub - I forget the whole story behind it but technically this pub is in the Borough of Ely, Cambridgeshire, not in London at all.  This means the local plod can't go in there. Helpful to know if you are on the run! And they do a great toasted sandwich too.

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Re: Name the one place in London you'd go see.....
« Reply #44 on: December 04, 2004, 06:20:35 PM »

I think it's because people keep saying that his contributions are useless.
I would be pure raging if anyone on this board 'talked' to me the way they 'talk' to Cascode!

Anyway, i hope vnicepeeps is having a nice time in London. 

Otterpop, thank you for your kind words.
I think there is a lot of "attitude" here.
I am used to posters here taking a pop at me. Without valid reason.

Just a couple examples.......I nemed several places of interest.
Dirty Dick's
Madame Tussaud's
The Houses of Parliament
Big Ben
(None of which I "rabbited on about" despite having been incorrectly accused of.)

Yet, AFTER I had posted these I got this:
Ah yes, and the thread TOPIC, according to my vision says: Name the one place in London you'd go see...

Then a respected member posted:
Cascode...I'm going to take leave of this thread for a sec because I'm not sure why you're so angry, or seem to be.

What none seem to understand is that it really doesn't upset me one bit.

No, I don't get pure raging mad. Or angry. Not even mildly irritated.
I get surprised, though I shouldn't, that quite often I am attributed with opinions and  emotions that I simply don't have.

For me, it just ain't a problem.

And I also hope vnicepeeps is having a nice time in London.

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