Survival challenge!
So I thought I'd do a bit of summing up for those new to the wait or this thread. Here's just some of the things you can do while you wait... There's lots of examples and inspiration on here which you should be able to find with the search function.
Choose an anthem, rewrite it to reflect the unique experience that is UKVI and post it here. Then sing it! Loud!
Knit a sock. a blanket, or a dragon!
Make an origami frog that jumps.
Make rainbow cakes
Make your own playdoh and add glitter.
Build an RSPB wildlife pond in a washing up bowl, either if you're waiting in UK or for/ with a friend in US.
Start training for something physical e.g., triathlon, swimathon. marathon, Ironman! Or do some yoga.
Choose a theme song for your relationship. Sing it constantly, preferably in early hours of morning.
Share how to day you miss your loved one(s) in whichever language(s) you speak.
Grow a Christmas tree from seed.
Binge watch Netflix.
Please add anything I've missed from our thread.
Here's some more ideas...
Write a novel!
Write a hitchhikers guide to UKVI
Create a desert island discs list with your spouse/ fiancée. Research Desert Island Discs.
Make yourself a nice meal. Post it here to encourage others.
Learn the Complete Works of Shakespeare by heart.
Add anything that helps you get through...