Hey Lorena, good to see you! Tell us what happened in the storm, I was worried about you.
Hi Jimbocz!
Thank you very much for asking about me.
It's been a very long several days. To be honest, I'm not entirely sure what day it is. Someone on my FB feed said it was "Labor Day" yesterday. I hadn't noticed since many places are closed or on new hours.
It's been a bit surreal because my neighborhood is a sort of island. We are a whopping 109' above sea level and we're informed that properties under 104' would flood. It was a very scary storm and we were spared by 5' but neighboring subdivisions did not do so well. When the rain finally stopped, we discovered the reservoir near us was about to burst it's banks so two blocks away from us, there were mandatory evacuations. So, our neighborhood was spared this by two little blocks.
For a few days, we were living in this weird reality where everything seemed normal until we had to venture out of the subdivision. We would stand just outside the main street and watch a convoy of National Guard and every day people with boats and monster trucks pass by to rescue people from their homes. Every media imaginable from all over the country and the world was set up outside that same road as it was one of the few areas on higher ground. We couldn't do anything but pass along whatever food, clothes, water we didn't need to those journalists to pass on to others on our behalf.
Every day, we can venture a bit further out and things are slowly starting to seem more normal than the day before. My son's community college opened today and he's had to take the long way around to get there but he said it was good to have something stable in his life. My daughter is in high school and they won't return until 09/11. Her school will have to absorb another 800 students from another high school since they have extensive damage. But the water levels around that school are still too high for people to drive through. They'll come when it's possible. The only we can do now is help clean out damaged homes and help those families with whatever they need to rebuild.
Here's a photograph taken yesterday a mile south from me. This street was so flooded that trucks were flooded to their roofs. But it's slowly going down.

Again, thank you for checking up on me. It's very much appreciated.
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