Oh. Yesterday was kind of a "pits" day. Went to NHS dentist, that was fine. Like her, got my teeth cleaned for 11 pounds, all well there. Basically skated to the appointment and back, tho - the sidewalks had the sidewalk equivalent of black ice all over them. Started to rain and sleet heavily half the walk home, after I'd stopped at Waitrose to get some groceries and stuff for supper. Came home, put the fish and the chips in the oven, turned it on, set the little polar bear timer, went to sit and have a break while warming up. Half an hour later the timer goes off, I go in, and the whole oven unit is off. Checked the breaker, it had thrown. (ehhhh?) Reset the breaker, turned the oven back on - looks like it made it halfway through cooking supper. Set the little polar bear timer. Dinged. Came back, oven is blowing only cold air. (sigh)
Microwaved everything (the fish came out surprisingly well), phoned the after-hours fix-it number, on hold 10 minutes, they can't do anything but pass the info on to the letting agent who will contact the sub-contractor who will contact us to have someone come deal with the oven. So, maybe by next week, if they are true to form. Fortunately I had already done my week's bread baking, and I can live without the oven really. But now that it doesn't work I have an overwhelming urge to bake cookies!

At least the thermometer-stuck-to-the-outside-of-the-third-floor-window says it is now above freezing and the white has gone from the poor frozen grass, and the streets appear to be primarily just wet rather than stealth-frozen. I may have to bundle up significantly and sneak some bread crusts/popcorn to the birds and McSquizzies over at the Botanic in a bit. That will guarantee that the repair place calls so that I can miss their call and play phone tag for several days.