Will have to let the Daughter know it's PSL time of year here. She loves those.

Personally, I have a very old stove-top percolator. I grind my beans, put them in the top, fill the bottom of the pot with water, pop it on the stove and come back in a bit to really good coffee. Plus, it makes the house smell nice!
I have some mocha flavored decaf that I got at the Vinhaus in Solvang, California, on our last annual Christmas visit there. (It's like going into a snow-globe, nothing ever changes in that place - all done up at Xmas, with Santa toodling up and down the main street on a Harley with twinkling lights all over it, blaring "Jingle Bells", after dark; decorated tree in front of every shop, carolers, etc. - don't know what we're going to do this year, we've done that every year for so long....)

Anyway, I expect I'll spend an armannaleg and have them ship some more beans over. There's a chocolate shop in the same town that does sugar-free, and does it very well, and ships overseas, too....
Tea. Tea is good. Twinings Everyday is a nice strong cup. Wrote to the company, as I was curious how it stood up to English Breakfast tea, and they wrote back with the composition of each and said the Everyday is stronger. Which is good, as I rather like it. I'm drinking pretty much enough tea every day to float a battleship.