Hello all,
I'll be applying next week for ILR using the new 5 year route by post
Here's my checklist:
Also didn't include sponsor (my husband's birth certificate) and not sure which kids need what but included everything I have. Since they're all British and I'm not applying for them or through them hopefully it'll be OK.
ILR Application Contents
1. Set(m) IRL Application - 59 pages
2. Pictures - 2 of applicant, 1 of sponsor (husband)
3. Applicant's original Passport
4. Applicant's original BRP card
5. Applicant's original Birth Certificate
6. Sponsor (husband)'s Passport copy
7. Life in the UK original pass notification letter
8. Original bank statements for 6 months showing over £34,600 ($45,793.10)
9. Original Correspondence letters (2 joint + 6 in applicant or sponsor's names)
10. Marriage certificate original
11. Sponsor's original divorce decree
12. Our British son's original passport
13. Our British son's original birth certificate
14. Recent original correspondence letter for British son from GP
15. Sponsor's British daughter's original birth certificate
16. Sponsor's British son's original birth certificate
17. Original accommodation letter from letting agency
18. Tenancy agreement original