hahaha this made me laugh out loud!
Hey, there's nothing wrong with mobile phone pics! That is literally how I take all my photos!! I bought a camera but it was rubbish because it just had autofocus and I had no control on the depth of field and could take better pics on my phone so I literally just stopped bothering with anything other than my phone. I really want a mirrorless Sony before going to japan but I definitely don't have the budget for that yet LOL
I have a Canon D60 which was pricey when I got it but really cheap now because it's about 7 years old. If I'm not being lazy, the features of the camera offer so much control of the shot that it can do wonderful things. But my phone is lightweight and fits in my pocket, and it can do
enough. If we get set up to do proper photography again, the Canon will be useful. But in the meantime, I just get the shot. It's infinitely better than the shot I don't get because my camera was too heavy to carry around with me.