Hi! OK so I've been on here for months, mostly just lurking, trying to learn, and throwing in my 2 cents every now and then, but my moment of truth is approaching finally. I am going to start a thread where I'll ask all of our questions, and would greatly appreciate any and all help/advice/suggestions that y'all are willing to provide.
I've told me story briefly before, but it's been a while and there are so many people here so I'll do it again. American boy meets English girl on the internet, fall in love, and do the LDR thing for what feels like an eternity. We have been waiting for a couple major things that have finally come to fruition - the time when we can get married (done 9/28 of this year), and for our 6 months of having the requisite finances in savings (our 6 months of having the money was on 10/7). SO now it's time for us to start the process of applying for the spouse visa so I can be on my way to my destiny. I am going to go the priority route, and should be able to apply in about 2 weeks.
Right now we are just waiting for a couple of more minor but still vital things - mostly the statements from the accounts where the monies are being held. We received an early wedding present from my mother-in-law on April 7th in the amount of just under 25,000 pounds (can't find the symbol). That money hasn't been touched, it's just been sitting in my wife's savings account; also she had some savings in an account that she's had for a few years; and I've had my 401(k) and it's been growing due to the stock market boom and my bi-weekly contributions. As of April 7th these accounts were in the ballpark of 36,000 pounds in combined value, and now they're somewhere in the 40,000 range. Once we get the statements showing that the money has been present for the full 6 months, we'll be ready. Right? lol
In the meantime we're working on gathering other things that we will need, and we do have some questions about them.
1) my wife rents the flat where I will be moving once I am allowed, and I know we need a letter from her landlord stating certain things. What exactly needs to be in the letter?
2) in regards to the bank statements for our financial requirement, we officially were over the threshold as of April 7th, and had to wait the 6 months, which would be October 7th. The statements showing the balances have to include those dates, right? So just for example the statement dated April 15th which might show account activity from March 13th thru April 13th would be needed, in addition to all statements after that, ending with the October 15th statement that shows activity from September 13th thru October 15th. Correct? This seems very straightforward and obvious, just would hate to make a mistake on something so minor and have it be a big regret.
3) I have a divorce that was finalized in March of 2014, but I can't really seem to locate the official certificate, and I'm not sure I ever had one. What exactly do they look like? And if I can't locate it, where would I go to get it? Would the courthouse where it was handled have an official copy that I can get?
4) the gifted money from my mother-in-law. It states on the bank statement showing the transfer that it was a wedding gift (in the memo), but would you recommend she write an accompanying letter specifically describing this? Or will the memo on the transaction be enough?
and last but not least for now, 5) when we get to the part of providing relationship evidence. We have as much as could ever be needed, but we just don't want to go overboard. I've read a lot about it, so I think I know. Something like a photo of us early in our relationship, a wedding pic, a few boarding passes, printout of some Skype calls, phone call logs...and what else? We don't want to do too much, but again don't want to mess up and not send enough.
Throughout the process I will direct any questions to this thread, and I'll say in advance thank you all so much for the work you do, it's been an invaluable asset for me in the lead up to this moment. And I know it will continue to be until I finally have the visa in my hand.