« Reply #16 on: February 02, 2018, 05:45:09 PM »
Just thought I would let you guys know that I am having to go to court to get an order for full legal and physical custody of my daughter.
Nevermind that custody is both assumed in my home state (as well as the UK), that's what is required for her visa to be approved.
It's a fairly straightforward process, but costly and then I'll be reapplying for her visa once it's done.
Best of luck to anyone in the same situation.
(throws good luck at you)

"Human" is a noun. "Black", "White", "Asian", "Latino", "Indigenous", "Male", "Female", "GLBT", "Straight", "Christian", "Jewish", "Muslim", "Buddhist", "Hindu", "Pagan", "Conservative", "Liberal", are all adjectives.