Raisin scone - no doubt about it.
re: 'guick bread' - that's a typical American baking term, and generally refers to any 'bread' that does NOT use yeast. Also includes things that are arguably more cake-like such as banana bread, zucchini bread etc. I suppose biscuits are a type of quick bread as the raising agent is baking powder. Whatever, just give me some like Mama made, or better yet those made by the old black lady who was a cook at a restaurant where I once worked. She made the most soul-satisfying biscuits that I ever put in my mouth, and considering I am from the south, that covers a LOT of territory!
I've never heard the term 'dinner bread', but have heard/used the term 'dinner roll', which for me means a bread made with yeast, but formed into smaller rolls, not a loaf. Think 'Parker House rolls'. Personally I don't think of them as sweet or savory.
What I chuckle about here is the term 'bread rolls'....as opposed to what, exactly? Sausage Rolls? To me it's just 'rolls' or 'bread', and I've used those terms interchangeably for nearly 70 years.